Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nuckolls, Jr.

Here's little "baby bruder." He's healthy, measured perfectly, and is still a boy! I got to watch him suck his hand and give me a sweet little yawn. I went solo to my ultrasound appointment. Sammy came to my last appointment, and we convinced the doctor to let us take a peek at the gender, so Sam already knew the important part and decided to stay at work. I had to laugh because as I was waiting solo in the waiting room, in walked this cute prego girl with her whole freaking family! Both sets of parents, hubby, and brothers and sisters...all here to watch her little baby on the ultrasound! The joy of that first baby/grandbaby! And although the second baby is just as special and wonderful, it doesn't carry quite the same excitement and anticipation as the first!


Kerry said...

Cute ultrasound picture-it's been a while since I've checked your blog-usually I look at it through Ashlie's but I've been slacking.

I've got NO clue how my mother in law makes the bumper set--my advice though if the pattern you have has you sew velcro on the little tie things-don't do it..she did that last time and it was a waste because the Velcro didn't always line up and you had to tie them anyway.

You go girl for wanting to do a project as big as that one-pregnant--ask somebody else to do it--I asked my in-law if she'd please do it!

I'll ship you my boy one out if you'd like-but in time I'd want it back.

wagarama said...

Congratulations!!! Boys are so much fun....of course I am biased :).