Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Savana Into Everything

What's this? A rare post by Señor Stroman? Yes, it is I—El Dorko! I need to post more, so I'll try to post more from my pea-sized brain in the future. How many times have I said that? Anyway, this post isn't about me, but about our dear Savana. I wanted to write down a couple experiences with this wonderful little girl so that they weren't forgotten.

Last Friday, Amber attended a class to make a large-format temple picture with frame and all. The class was from 7:00–9:00, so that meant I was to put the kids to bed and deal with Savana's bad bed habits (I do it pretty regularly). Before going to bed she is up and down, up and down about 5 times a night, on average. This night, however, I hadn't heard a peep from her in about 45 minutes. Could she have gone straight to sleep without getting up, pretending to need to go potty, or weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth? I looked down the hallway and noticed a light coming from under her door. Her nightstand lamp was on. Dang! So, I walked to her door and opened it to this scene: Her lamp was, indeed, turned on on the nightstand and the top drawer was open. Savvy stood next to her nightstand with her pajamas around her ankles, along with her pullups. In her left hand was an open tube of cortisone, and her right was covered with the stuff. Her butt was pink with paste as she looked up to me and stuttered quickly to explain herself, "I, I, I, need, uh, need the medicine so I don't get a rash." It was hilarious.

Today, I came home from work at the usual time to spend dinner with the family before Amber went to her workout class. We ate taco soup from Amber's soup swap and it was good. Amber left for her class as Savana, Dexter, and I laid on the kitchen floor laughing at each other. It was a good night. Anyway, duty called after dinner, so I headed to the bathroom before giving Savana a little cup of water and ice that she had asked me for. I did my business while I browsed on my iPhone, like all Stromans do (including Amber). Savvy interrupted me while I was finishing up to tell me that she was wet on the arms and stomach. I wondered how and why. She pointed me to the kitchen where I found a chair pulled up the fridge. An overflowing cup stood in the recess where the water dispenser is and water was trickling down the front of the fridge to join the large pool of water that now covered a large portion of the floor. In the middle of the pool was a soaking wet hand towel Savvy must have pulled off the stove to clean up the water. The disappointment was apparent in my voice as I told Savvy she had made a mess, and she burst into tears. My heart melted and we shared a good hug. We spent the next fifteen minutes soaking up the pool with towels.

Having Savana in our lives is a wonderful thing. We love you Savana.


ryan + carly said...

hilarious. i love the need to apply medication on the rash! as if savy needed anymore reason for people to find her adorable...she is soooo cute.

~brynn~ said...

hee hee! you can never stay angry at that little girl for more than five seconds!

TyandMar said...

Very precious. I thought for a second that you and Savanna were going to both burst into tears and you were going to use the towel to mop up your sorrows. It would have been more poetic...

Holly said...

If that is what Stromans do, then Dave is definitely a Stroman too.