Friday, July 2, 2010

Hi. I'm Dexter. I know my face is a little bit dirty, but I'm a boy. I don't have time to stop and let my mom clean my face. I'm almost 1, and I finally have a tooth poking through. Yes, my teeth have been a little bit slow coming, and it has been a bit troublesome to mash up all my yummy food without any teeth, but I am about ready to have a non-toothless grin. I've been a bit more cranky than usual...but come on! It's painful cutting teeth. My gums get all swollen and red and simply hurt!! But it hasn't slowed me down. I still manage to crawl faster than my mom can walk after me, and I'm really good about dumping EVERYTHING on to the floor. I've decided I'm too big for toys, they're only good for dumping out of their containers, and then I must move on to find the next thing I can make a mess out of. Oh...and I love to eat rocks, dirt, wood chips, and grass. Did I mention I was a boy? mom keeps trying to tell me they're gross and kaka...but they're actually quite tasty!! I've tried to share some with her, but she doesn't appreciate having rocks shoved in her face. Oh, well. It's her loss. Well, I'm off to take a's pretty exhausting being this cute...but I thought I'd let the world get a glimpse of me. Adios.

1 comment:

~brynn~ said...

huzzah!! huzzah!! a tooth!!

p.s. cute post btw! :)