Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Eve

I still cannot believe Christmas is already over. The anticipation is the best part...I've been looking forward to Savy's reaction for quite sometime. And although she didn't jump up and down and scream like crazy...she was still excited about Christmas and all it entails. And plus, Christmas was great because we got to be around family. And my little sis talked me into staying around family for an extra I had almost two weeks of no responsibility (no cleaning, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping) and almost two weeks of fun with the fam (puzzles, junk food, movies, sledding, games, and Patrick Jane). But don't worry, during those eleven days, Savy had a fever, cold, threw up, and forgot how to sleep through the night. And without my trusty man there to assist...I lost a lot of sleep!!

Christmas Eve we gathered at the Stroman's to kick it off. One present each. Then we trekked it over to Carol's house for Christmas Eve Dinner, a visit from Santa, and a fun present game.

Savy's showing off her bathtime baby.

I'm trying to make Dexter's toy truck work. It was his first truck...with I'm sure many more to come over the years.

Savy was surprisingly content to see Santa and Mrs. Claus. She was a little bit intimidated at first, but she warmed up to them after they read The Night Before Christmas. I don't recall what she asked Santa for Christmas that night...but she has been hoping for a baby sister (I guess a baby brother simply isn't cool enough). Luckily, Santa didn't deliver on that account ...yet.

The present exchange was great...Savy helped open presents and dutifully put the trash in the garbage bag...and Sam made out with this sweet gift. Yep. He's sporting a Snuggie. And not just any Snuggie. A BYU Cougar snuggie!! Go Cougars!!! (I got The Pretty Pretty Princess Game)

And we ended up at the Park house where we opened our Christmas Jammies, ate cookies, and tucked the little ones in bed. We are ready for Santa to come!!


Gonzalez Family said...

That sounds like so much fun! I've been thinking about you a lot lately because I've been trying to figure out if I should work or stay home next year so I may be calling you for some advice!

Bezzant family said...

Nice Snuggie! You totally look 60 years old in it. Ha ha