Tuesday, September 29, 2009

These two make up my life at this moment. I have all day to devote to them. I used to think I didn't want to be a stay at home mom. And I thought it was pretty selfish of me to think so. I enjoyed getting out every day and doing something worthwhile. Something that meant something to more than just two little people. I felt needed and I felt like I could make a huge difference as a teacher, and I felt really good at what I did. I loved it. Then I got to spend time with my little ones. And actually sit down and worry about nothing but them. I didn't have the constant worry in the back of my head about the other 26 kids in my life. (You teachers know how it is. You can't ever stop worrying about your students.) I had a really hard time the first few weeks. I craved adult conversation and I felt overwhelmed as a mom. I didn't feel appreciated. Then something clicked. As I read stories to my daughter while feeding my little man I realized this is what it's really all about. These two are what it's all about. If all I do all day is make my daughter giggle and my son smile, I've made a difference. In two of the most important peoples' lives. My children. So whether you're a stay at home mom, a working mom, a mother to be, you've been a mom, or you mother someone else's children, remember what it's all about. Them. And make a difference in their lives. Make them smile.


ryan + carly said...

oh amber!!! savy is stunning. dex is beyond adorable. how is he getting so old?!! he looks just like you in this pic. when i come to utah, you better be ready for a lunch date :) miss you.

Alysha said...

I'm so glad you get to be home with your babies. I can't wait. It is so great to be a mom.

Gonzalez Family said...

I am so glad that you are loving being with your sweet babies. I feel like my mind is constantly changing about what I want. You are an incredible teacher, and a marvelous mother. I have often thought about what you said about making a difference. It is an awesome responsibility, and privilege to have such an impact on our students, but motherhood in itself offers us the greatest opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those we love most. We invest so much in teaching and the lives of our students that I think it just takes time to adjust to new circumstances. Knowing you, I'm sure you'll be back in the classroom at some point. There is a season for all things!