Saturday, March 28, 2009

"and you'd think I'd understand that a rock'n'roll band doesn't mean a blessed thing"

I believe in exposing my children to quality experiences when they're young. And what better time to start then when they're in the womb? We exposed Savana to the awesome experience of rocking out to one of the best bands on this planet (The Shins) when she was but a wee one of six months young in the womb. And to make sure Nuckolls Junior doesn't miss out on a wonderful opportunity such as that, we took him last night, at five months young in the womb, to witness an even better experience of rocking out...Bishop Allen came to town...and rock out they did.


celeste said...


celeste said...

So let's hear what other types of music you think constituted awesome when we babysit, we can avoid such mishaps as the Spice Girls in the future.