Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's a beautiful day for a wedding...

Today is the day my little sister gets married. I'm so excited for her! Marriage is quite the journey. You learn so much about yourself over the years. I don't think anything has changed me quite as much as being a wife and being a mother. I've had to learn to be a lot less selfish, a lot more patient, and be a much better communicator. (Thanks, Sammy, for teaching me so much in our many years together!) Brynn and her soon-to-be-hubby make a stunning couple. I can't wait to see the look of pure joy on their faces today!!

1 comment:

Ashlie said...

Fun. I love weddings and people in love. I bet it was beautiful and wonderful. Where did they honeymoon? I could use yet another trip:). Always though right?